
Showing posts from October, 2017

Welcome To My Blog

Hello this is my first blog post and my name is Julian, I am writing my very first blog post for Ms. Haury ELA class and I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I’m posting this in October so you have already read all of my eleven post.

My Happiest Day Ever

For me the best day ever stared when I was four years old and it was my first time in Disney World and it was going to be my first full day there, and me and my family decided to go to magic kingdom. On the way there in the car my parents were talking about going to the parade there so in deed we did. When we got there it was packed with people piling in so we found a tight spot in front of it all. Just before it was going to start they needed someone to host the parade and be the center of it all, plus they were picking someone from the crowd so I had chance to win. My mom told me to put my hand up so I did and I was four so I was everywhere with my body trying to get picked. Then the guy that’s picking says “little boy with the black and white shirt” well guess what I was that little boy with the black and white shirt. I thought I would have to come up but no, then out of nowhere a bunch of this Mickey Mouse confetti comes raining down on me it was like a dream I being looked at by e...

My Greatest Achievement

My greatest achievement is when I was in third grade. In third grade for our report cards we usually got numbers like one,two,three,and fours. One means like your no were ne’er expectations, Two is like you still need a little work, Three is that your doing great in expectations, Four is that your succeeding in expectations and going above and beyond, but not in third grade. In third grade I had letter grades for the first time. It’s was the second report card I got and I had brought it home. I was in my room playing with my dog and my mom comes in knocking on the door and I tell her to come in and she tells me I’m impressed with your grades so I take a look at it and all I see are A’s I was so happy like if my parent were going to buy me something that I really wanted, I also thought this could have been my greatest achievement yet.

Writer vs Singer

If I were to a writer or a singer I would pick singer, because I would want to be famous and be popular, also be able to speak my voice to other people for me to be heard. Another reason I would want to be a singer is to make good money so I can provide for me and my family. You would also have some inner happyness and would be blessed with a beautiful voice you would also go on world tours which would be nice. I wouldn’t be a writer because it’s like you have to make your own time to work and you don’t have someone to tell you what to do it’s like your, your own boss. Another reason why I don’t want to be a writer is because they are miserable,depressed, and they have bad backs. First your just sitting there being miserable and depressed  trying to come up with ideas. Lastly your just sitting there at like a table or desk for a good amount of the whole day to get work done that’s why I don’t want to be a writer.

Best Food Ever

The best food forever for me that I could have at every meal it pizza. I’m known in my family that I am a really picky eater, and also, all of my family knows that I love pizza and that they would never forget to buy a frozen pizza from the store or buy pizza from a place like Slice Factory my favorite. For instance when I go to my grandparents house for special occasions, they never forget to make pizza. My favorite is pepperonis and how it like has seasoning on it when I go to slice factory. The only times when my family normally gets pizza is on fridays from slice factory or if it’s not that, it’s some other place that my mom wants to try out. That is why pizza is such a big impact on me.

Shooting in Los Vegas

Its been a tragedy sense the shooting that happened in Los Vegas, Nevada. I guess there was this guy who had like no parking tickets, no speeding tickets,no criminal records, no nothing, but still he went and did this selfish act. I sincerely feel really bad to what happened to the innocent people lives taken for no reason and just trying to have a good time at this country concert. The only bad thing this guy was know for is through his dad he was a bank robber and spent his teenage years in Chicago, Illinois where he got in trouble with the law. The shooter also had a girlfriend were he sent her to the Philippines to do his shooting. One thing I don't think he did this for a reason he just did it. Just for the countless lives that he took for no reason, my love goes to Los Vegas, Nevada.

If I Were President ?

Well if I were president, laws I would have are to have a Statue of me in Washington D.C. just to get that out there. There will also be a law we’re you have to go through a long process if you want to access a weapon of any kind to stop more violence going around in the United States. I would have medical incurrence for enevryone and lower taxes and a free education so they don’t have to be stuck in student loan debt. I want to veto imagination laws so people can have jobs. I would want gays to be able  to marry in every state of America.