Best Food Ever

The best food forever for me that I could have at every meal it pizza. I’m known in my family that I am a really picky eater, and also, all of my family knows that I love pizza and that they would never forget to buy a frozen pizza from the store or buy pizza from a place like Slice Factory my favorite. For instance when I go to my grandparents house for special occasions, they never forget to make pizza. My favorite is pepperonis and how it like has seasoning on it when I go to slice factory. The only times when my family normally gets pizza is on fridays from slice factory or if it’s not that, it’s some other place that my mom wants to try out. That is why pizza is such a big impact on me.


  1. Mmmm pizza sounds yummy! Thank your for sharing this week.

  2. I like pizza too. One time I went to my friends house and I ate a whole pizza by myself. What is your second favorite food?

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