My Happiest Day Ever

For me the best day ever stared when I was four years old and it was my first time in Disney World and it was going to be my first full day there, and me and my family decided to go to magic kingdom. On the way there in the car my parents were talking about going to the parade there so in deed we did. When we got there it was packed with people piling in so we found a tight spot in front of it all. Just before it was going to start they needed someone to host the parade and be the center of it all, plus they were picking someone from the crowd so I had chance to win. My mom told me to put my hand up so I did and I was four so I was everywhere with my body trying to get picked. Then the guy that’s picking says “little boy with the black and white shirt” well guess what I was that little boy with the black and white shirt. I thought I would have to come up but no, then out of nowhere a bunch of this Mickey Mouse confetti comes raining down on me it was like a dream I being looked at by everyone like the center attention of a concert. I was now the person that everyone recognized it’s something I sure indeed live over and over again. How do I remember it from when I was little and such a long time ago, well it was my happiest day ever.


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