Shooting in Los Vegas

Its been a tragedy sense the shooting that happened in Los Vegas, Nevada. I guess there was this guy who had like no parking tickets, no speeding tickets,no criminal records, no nothing, but still he went and did this selfish act. I sincerely feel really bad to what happened to the innocent people lives taken for no reason and just trying to have a good time at this country concert. The only bad thing this guy was know for is through his dad he was a bank robber and spent his teenage years in Chicago, Illinois where he got in trouble with the law. The shooter also had a girlfriend were he sent her to the Philippines to do his shooting. One thing I don't think he did this for a reason he just did it. Just for the countless lives that he took for no reason, my love goes to Los Vegas, Nevada.


  1. Thank you for sharing your post this week. I am glad you shared how this affected you and made you feel as well, I can tell you were meaningful in your response.


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