Holocaust Book Club Reflection
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Learning about the life of Elli in the book I Have Lived a Thousand Years teaches me not to take my life for granted. I need to cherish everything I have in life including my family, friends, food, clothing, education, and a roof over my head. Reading my book and seeing all the terrible things that Elli went threw during the Holocaust made me feel sorry. When Elli in the book goes without food for a week, lives in cramped spaces with a bunch of people, and witnesses a lot of gruesome things. Reading about those horrible things makes me stop and think that I should appreciate what I have and be grateful. Also all these things in the book make me realize I just don’t want to take my life for granted when there are people in way worse situations than me right now and that I should be thankful for what I have. The choices people made during the rise of the Nazi Party and the Holocaust teach us about the power and impact of our choice by being able the speak out. People were to afrai...
I Have Lived a Thousand Years
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The most important part of I Have Lived a Thousand Years is the determination that Eli has to save her Mother from dying. Without her mother Eli couldn’t live so she has the desire to do everything in her power to keep her mother alive. When her Mother was in the hospital she try and talk to her from a distance and risk being seen by a SS officer. Also when she risked sneaking her Mother back into there block so she wouldn’t be sent to death for selection the next day. This just shows how Eli has such determination to help her mother in need for survival and so they will both live. My feelings has changed since I started reading I Have Lived a Thousand Years by the feeling for empathy as Eli’s lives changes constantly. By first in the ghetto and the beginning and then being separated from her father at first, then her Aunt Selma when they arrived at Auschwitz. When Eli was transferred to the hard labor camp and put the work and experiencing her fist encounter with death. Even th...
Berlin Memorial Activity
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Something I learned is that over the years from from 1933-1945 is that the laws got worse and worse for the Jews over the years throughout the war. In the beginning they starting taking jobs away from the Jews which wasn’t as bad as it had got to be in the future. When The Nazis would take away things that Jews needed like Milk, couldn’t use ration card for wool or eggs. These things they need to live so they don’t go hungry and won’t starve which is worse than not having a job. This was built because it was apart of history and a memorial it’s something that you don’t want to forget about. It’s a important part of history that we can’t just forget about and needs to be remembered so everyone can see and hear about. With it being a sad topic it is also important to talk about and see how life developed for these innocent people. Also being a big part of history in the world that is nothing like we see today that’s why it’s good to remember and not for is disappear like it never happe...
Quarter 2 Reflections
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My favorite book that I have read this quarter is The Giver because of how time we spent on the book analyzing and going into depth with it. I feel like reading books more was my biggest improvement because I have been reading a lot more then last quarter. Something I accomplished since the new year that I’m proud of is eating a lot healthier and less junk food. In my book challenge I have read a total of 8 books this year so far and I’m going to read many more. The most challenging part of the second quarter for me was the literary thematic analysis and I overcame it by working on it bit by bit so I didn’t stress myself out working on it to much. One strategy that has benefited me in ELA is listening to music because it makes me less stress when doing work and helps me get it done faster. I have learned that the world that everyone in it is different in many ways, with all the different cultures in the world and problems. My research skills have improved by now be able to go to site w...
Night TIQA
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My book called Night is about a boy named Elie and his family and how there life gets changed drastically once the Germans reached their town, Elie and his family were forced to leave their town and everything behind them. They all were put on a train and when they arrived at there destination, it was Auschwitz. As they walked in the boy's were separated from the girls and they had to change into suits and get to work. “And I did not know that in that place, at that moment, I was parting from my mother and Tzipora forever”. This is something I found interesting because that is such a big thing getting separated from your family and not seeing them for the rest of your life is just something that you couldn’t imagine. One thing I won’t forget in the future is how Elie will never forget the face of the SS solider that told him that he was in a concentration camp to work. Also how the air smells with all of the bodies bodies being burned, leaving the air quilts to be very bad. Now El...
Intro To Me
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Hi my name is Julian, I’m in 8th grade and this is my first blogpost of the year in my ELA class. I played for the varsity boys soccer team as the one sport I’ve done this year. Outside of school I play travel soccer, hang out with friends, and play video games. I also enjoy watching soccer and rooting for my favorite team Manchester United. I’ve also been apart of three slice of life challenges and have completed two out of three slice of life's. I’m also very determined when I put my mind to something and work hard to achieve whatever it is I want to succeed at.