I Have Lived a Thousand Years

The most important part of I Have Lived a Thousand Years is the determination that Eli has to save her Mother from dying. Without her mother Eli couldn’t live so she has the desire to do everything in her power to keep her mother alive. When her Mother was in the hospital she try and talk to her from a distance and risk being seen by a SS officer. Also when she risked sneaking her Mother back into there block so she wouldn’t be sent to death for selection the next day. This just shows how Eli has such determination to help her mother in need for survival and so they will both live.

My feelings has changed since I started reading I Have Lived a Thousand Years by the feeling for empathy as Eli’s lives changes constantly. By first in the ghetto and the beginning and then being separated from her father at first, then her Aunt Selma when they arrived at Auschwitz. When Eli was transferred to the hard labor camp and put the work and experiencing her fist encounter with death. Even then being sent back to Auschwitz and having to take care of her mother while risking her in order for her survival. All of these things is something a kid should never have to go though as a child ever.

If I can talk to the Author of I Have Lived a Thousand Years one question I would ask, how did you remember everything so precisely ? I’m asking this because it was probably a long time after the war when she wrote this and the book is over a span of a few years and is a lot to remember. Another question I have for the author, is why did you decide to write a book about your life ? I asked this because writing a book can be a really hard thing to do and will take a lot of time so I was curious on why she decided to write about her time during the Holocaust.


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