Quarter 2 Reflections

My favorite book that I have read this quarter is The Giver because of how time we spent on the book analyzing and going into depth with it. I feel like reading books more was my biggest improvement because I have been reading a lot more then last quarter. Something I accomplished since the new year that I’m proud of is eating a lot healthier and less junk food. In my book challenge I have read a total of 8 books this year so far and I’m going to read many more. The most challenging part of the second quarter for me was the literary thematic analysis and I overcame it by working on it bit by bit so I didn’t stress myself out working on it to much. One strategy that has benefited me in ELA is listening to music because it makes me less stress when doing work and helps me get it done faster. I have learned that the world that everyone in it is different in many ways, with all the different cultures in the world and problems. My research skills have improved by now be able to go to site without struggling to look for one like dictionary.com, and mem bean.

I commented on Ivan’s blog, Tony’s, and Jonathan’s


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