Three Positives Of The Week

My first positive of the week is about me and my MAP test which I am really happy about and am proud of myself. Thier is an incentive if you go up on at least two of the test which I barley did and that’s what I’m going to talk about. I went on the math test but didn’t on the reading and all the pressure was on the ELA test and I didn’t go up then I retook it and went up. My second positive of the week is my poetry and how many poems which is four and have been succeeding in my poetry. Im my poetry unit I have also been learning about rhyme schemes to help with my poetry skills and will keep going. My third positive of the week is just getting through this whole week and am really happy with MAP homework and other test with having to do so much. It just created a lot of stress this week and am glad that it is over and have achieved different thing and I’m happy. Thank you for letting me share this blog post with you guys and can’t wait to write more blog post for you guys.


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