End of Sixth Grade Going Into 7th Grade

One of my end of the year goals is to finish at least one more book for the year as the school year ends in a few weeks. I also want to go into seventh grade with having good grades at the end of the sixth grade school year. Some accomplishments I have made for sixth grade keeping my grades up to three’s and four’s and something I’m proud of. I’m also proud of reading five books and counting this year which is something that was a difficult task for me. One goal for seventh grade is not to get a foul which I have not got in sixth grade and hope to keep that up. I want to write lengthy pages for quick writes when we are needed to and focus on what the main purpose is on what we are writing. Something I’m also proud that I achieved in sixth grade was blogging everyday for the month of may and am throwing to do that next year. It’s been a good year this year and have archived many things and hope to achieve much more in the seventh grade.


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