4# Quarter Goals

Today I’m to talk about my fourth quarter goals and how I will achieve them and with this being the last quarter. One of my goals is to finish more than one book this quarter and to push myself and read three books. I will achieve this goal by reading a lot more often and to read at home and also to get a lot more minutes into my reading. My second goal is to use less of my bathroom passes so I don’t run out by the end of this quarter and won’t be able to go to the bathroom. I will achieve by trying to wait to the end of the day or to wait until passing period to go to the bathroom. My third goal is to participate more in class and to get a better grade for it in all my classes. I will achieve this goal by raising my hand a lot more and speaking more in lessons. Thank you for letting me share all of my goals for the fourth quarter and hope to achieve them all and do my best.


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