Slice Of Life #4

I was in school one morning and working and assignments that the teacher had assigned us when someone calls our room. So when ever the phone rings for our room it’s never me and if someone called it would probably be a message from thier parents or in trouble. Now I watch as my teachers goes to the phone and picks  it up and is now talking to my vice principal and suddenly calls my name. Now I stared getting very nervous thinking if I was in trouble or not and not knowing what to do. So my teacher said “ the phone is all yours Julian”. Now I started to stand up and go to the phone and once I got to the phone I picked it up. My vice principal said” your mom will be picking you up today “ I responded “ok”. Now as I was walking back to sit down I fell in relief and was ok. I now learned that getting called by you vice principal or principal was not always a bad thing.


  1. Important thing to learn! I can totally feel your tension, not knowing why the phone was for you! Glad it was good news! :)


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