Slice Of Life #31

I was Fortnite today and with it being Thursday was good because it’s when Fortnite makes an update to the game and that was today. I was going into a game and I’m getting towards the end and with me being by a house and it being not looted so I went in. Once I got in I searched the bottom floor of the house and found nothing good and same for the second one two. So I broke my way into the attack and just paused and stopped and my mouth dropped when I saw it. It was the new guided missle and just wanted to try it out and then I took it outside the house and see what would happen. I shot the guided missle and I was able to guide and I searched the whole area with it and saw how good it was. Now I was just thinking how many different way that I can use this weapon on other players in the game. In the end I was really happy to get the new guided missle and was going to brag it off to my friends.


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