Slice Of Life #25

I walked into math one day and noticed the I had to 10% higher on my Khan Academy and I was only 4% higher. So I was rushing before she told us to stop and that we had run out of time and was getting nervous. Even when my teacher said that if you went up 10% you would get a good incentive  tand that’s what I wanted. My friend told me to do mastery task and that it would make me go up a percent every time I get 100 on a mastery task. I started doing and started to go up a few percent then my teacher said that we only had three minutes. I had to go up one more percent on Khan and was quickly running out of time and was sweating. On that last mastery task I got one wrong and then I got two wrong and now was scared and as I finished the mastery task. I went to go look at my percent  and still saw it at the same with a minute left and a few seconds later I reached my goal. Outside I was really chill but inside I was filled with excitement like it was a party.


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