Slice Of Life #16

I walked into math class today and had totally forgot that I was getting my test back and got really nervous. My teacher handed out our folders with all of our test in their that we have done previous and going to put the one that we got in there. I was just sitting in my chair hoping I would get a good grade and actually be happy with myself. Now it was the moment and and my teacher was about to announce the people who got hundreds. My teacher announced the first person and it wasn’t me and the second was announced and still wasn’t me. Now it was the last person to be called and hoped it was me and now she announced the last person and it was surprisly me. I was really happy and was excited to share the news to my parents and tell them about my test. I was also going to be on my teachers page on getting a 100 on your test. In the end I was happy that I got a 100 on my test and was very releved .


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