Third Quarter Goals

Now the second quarter has ended and it’s the beginning of the new quarter so I will be talking about my goals for third quarter. One of my goals for third quarter is two bump up my two, two to a three or a four, for when I get my grades at the end of third quarter. Another goal for me for third quarter is to have no fouls and try not to miss a day of school in the third quarter. For another goal that I want to succeed in the third quarter is to read more books than expected. I also want to try to do more than the blog post we do for one week and that is more than expected. I also want to save up more falcon dollars this quarter to buy better items at the falcon dollar store. In the rest of my subjects I want to work more on topics that we work on in the class like science,social studies,and math. These are my goals for the third quarter and I was happy to share them with you.


  1. These are some really good goals to work toward during third quarter. I look forward to see you reach these goals. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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