I Think Smoking Cigarets Should Be Illegal

Smoking is the leading cause in preventable deaths and causes 480,00 people to die let alone just in the United States. In comparing the U.S. and England by deaths in the country’s is a big difference and England with only 1,000 people dead a year from smoking and the U.S. with 480,00. Another reason that smoking should be illegal in the U.S. is that a cigarette contains more than 4,000 chemicals. That can give different diseases and may lead to different cancers. Also when smoking you can develop breathing problems and can develop a slow heart rate and your heart starts to break down. Second smoke is when you take in smoke from smokers around you,and is just as bad smoking. Even when a mom smokes and haves a kid that kid could be born with a illness or even more than one. These are some reasons why smoking should be illegal and all these reasons can or may lead to death. Stand to make smoking illegal and prevent all these deaths from smoking happening.


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