My Winter Break

My winter break I really didn’t do much, like I didn’t go on vacation or anything just a normal break for me. During break for homework related stuff I spent one night finishing everything to get that out of the way. For Christmas Eve I went to my aunts house for a party and didn’t get back untill the next day is all I got to say. I woke up the same day but later feeling pretty tired but it was worth it because it was Christmas Day. Later in the day I went to my grandmas and there was more gifts to open which was nice. Me and my sister spend to next two nights over there playing with what we got. Then comes years eve we’re we wearily do anything like nothing. Every year on New Year’s Eve we do nothing like this year we just chilled as long with the rest of my break. I really liked sharing my winter break with you guys and hope to do something like this again.


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