Blackfish: Movie Review

I just finished watching a movie called blackfish about orcas about being held in captivity at the SeaWorld’s in America. After watching the movie I think the orcas shouldn’t be held in captivity. I think that because orcas should have a free life in the ocean. They shouldn’t just be held in a tiny box of water for the rest of their intire lives. Something wrong that SeaWorld did to the trainers at SeaWorld is that they never told them that there are accidents with the orcas and the trainers. There was also points in the movie were SeaWorld was lying about orcas loving to be in captivity, or tour guides telling fake facts about the orcas. Also that SeaWorld authorities told them to say that and apart of the lies they tell employees. I just think it is not right for the killer whales to be held in captivity and forced to be slaves by being made to do skills while being made money off of and should just have normal lives like other killer whales.


  1. This is a really good description of the movie and your opinion about captivity. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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