Slice Of Life

Every year Me and my family go to the Magnificent Mile Lights Festival Parade. Every year when we go it is always so cold. The parade is basically during the weekend before thanksgiving and features a Christmas theme for the holidays. During the parade I would always want a souvenir of what ever one float was giving out. The only thing that I had gotten was this bag of popcorn that people were throwing out. As the parade was happening my mom and I saw a bunch of people with Starbucks, and were a big fan of it. So we followed were people we’re coming out with there Starbucks coffee because it was like zero degrees out. People were coming out of this building, so we went in and there actually was one in the corner a tiny one. Once we had gone in I already knew what I wanted to get, and got a Java Frapachino. I still got it even though it was super cold out, and my mom got hot chocolate for herself, my dad, and my sister. We got back out there in the freezing cold and started watching the parade again. At the end there we’re fireworks getting better and better towards the end. Sense we were at the end of the parade Santa would be last and when he would come by there we’re bound to be fireworks. It’s just my favorite tradition during Christmas that I have been doing sense I was a baby.


  1. I have never been able to attend the parade so I'm glad to see you included so much detail (mostly about Starbucks :) )Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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