The Walnut Room

My family and I have this tridtion were we go to the walnut room in Macy’s downtown for dinner. When we got into Macy’s my eyes were amazed like always “this place is huge” I said, “we go here every year chill” my mom said. We went up to the seventh floor we’re the walnut room is and checked in with a worker for a table of four “thirty minutes, and if you here your device ding you can come back and wait in line” said the worker. As we were exploring the store “ Can I go write a letter to Santa like I do every year” said my sister “yes of course” said my mom. My sister always want to write a letter to Santa, like she’s obsessed but I’m the opposite. Me and my family were walking to we’re all the candy was, I was gonna ask if I could get some candy but I knew she would say no, so I didn’t even bother asking . All of a sudden our little device started dinging so we went back to the walnut room gave it to the worker and proceeded into the place. When I got into my seat I knew right away what I was going to get “mom can I have the hamburger with ketchup and mustard only” I said. She gave me a look knowing I was going to say that. “Can I have some Coke to” I said “yes” my mom said. The one thing that annoyed me at the walnut room is that there were these girls dressed up as fairy’s and would come to our table every year because my sister would want them over to put glitter on her or something, well I knew right. “Everybody look at the fairy, she might come over to our table” my sister said. Good thing that one of those fairy’s didn’t. When I started to finish my food I always say this, “are we getting dessert” I sad with a smile on my face “ok but this time I will say yes “ my mom said I got really excited. When the waiter came over to clean up our food ,my mom ordered some dessert into the waiters ear to be a surprise for the rest of my family. The waiter came back with this chocolate ice cream cake it looked delish. Me and my mom shared one and my dad and sister shared one. When we were finished non of my family could move because we were so full. Before we left I said thank you to my parents and walked out of Macy’s to our car.


  1. This is an amazing post. You go into so much detail and dialogue. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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